Wednesday, November 5

Kangaroefilet Met Appeltjes

Oh my god, I totally forgot! On Saturday night we decided to go out for dinner and Andy ate kangaroo! With baked apples in a cream sauce, and homemade potato chips. I had a little bite. It was lean and a little rare. And gamey. But not bad. Tastewise, anyway. It was a little hard to swallow though and I kind of wanted to spit it out, but I got it down.

And the specialty at the restaurant where we ate for Andy's grandfather's birthday? That would be paardenvlees.....horsemeat. Yum.

And another very interesting (totally un-related) thing I confirmed today: the Metro in Brussels works on the honor system. There are ticket machines. And there are ticket readers at the entrances to the platforms. But there are no turnstiles or barriers. And no employees in sight. If you want you can just walk right in. And yet people stand in line to buy tickets before getting on the train.

I accidentally rode for free the first time because I was just looking up and following signs and the next thing I knew I was already on the platform and wondering how I got there without a ticket. Since then I had been watching and being sure to buy a ticket because I thought there must be some system in place to ensure that everyone has paid. But I talked with someone in Brussels today and confirmed that it is totally up to the public whether to pay or not. Apparently there are staff who randomly spot check for tickets and will write you some kind of citation if you are ticketless, but I've never seen someone checking for tickets and I've been taking the Metro quite a bit.

I'm really fascinated by the whole thing.

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