Monday, October 19

An American Ranch in Belgium

One of Andy's clients has a second home in a small village in Wallonia on the edge of the Ardennes. Andy did the interior of the main house a couple of years ago, but the home was a B&B at one point and has a seperate guesthouse that the client is now ready to renovate. It is about a 2 hour drive so the client invited us to come and stay the night in the guesthouse on Saturday night, and then meet with him and his girlfriend on Sunday to discuss colors and take measurements.

After the meeting on Sunday we took a walk to check out the local 'American' ranch and saloon, Little Creek. It was everything you'd expect, complete with American and Texas flags flying by the corral. I don't know if it was the kitsch or maybe just a little homesickness, but I found the saloon horribly depressing and couldn't wait to get out of there. But the walk was nice and we met some charming livestock along the way.

Oh, and I had my first escargot the night before. (Or as I said in my Dutch class today, in order to practice the past perfect tense: "Vorige zaterdagavond heb ik voor het eerste een escargot gegeten, daarvoor had ik nog nooit escargots gegeten." ) The menu said 'petit gris' and we both thought I was ordering the tiny gray north sea shrimp that are so common here. Ha.


  1. I adore the third picture in this post! :-)

  2. Thanks! That house really caught my eye. I wanted to go knock on the door and ask if I could stay the night!
