And a tired Andy after a long day of work:

There is a cafe around the corner where I snuck in to use the toilet since the water is not hooked up at the new place yet. Hmm, Quicksperm at Cafe Dudu. That's a real must see....

For dinner we had 'raclette' which is kind of like fondue but not really. There are small potatoes that are already cooked and they are kept warm on the top and then each person has a tiny, non-stick pan where you put a chunk of cheese and your choice of meat (salami, ham, etc.) and stick it on the heat under the potatoes until the cheese is melted and then you put it on top of the potatoes. It's French comfort food. Or at least that's my take on it. I explained comfort food as 'food that makes you happy' and they seemed to get it.

I met Andy's mom for a few minutes the morning that we left for Werchter. We were at the new place filling the air mattress and she stopped in and surprised us. But I hadn't met his dad yet. Andy had told me that neither of them speak any English but his mom said a few things at dinner and she told him later that she understood everything I said. His dad not so much, so Andy translated for us.
We had good time talking about the vacation that Bjorn and Ellen are about to take around the Southwest US and the road trip Andy and I are about to take through France. And looking at baby pictures after dinner, of course. In Belgium, until recently (like the early 80s), it was normal to dress little boys in pink and little girls in blue. Enough said.
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